


His Workshops:





delta® is an art performer, dancer, choreographer, art director and light & stage artist since the late 70's.

In 1985 he started his autodidactic dance studies by experimenting on stage and specializing in the German “Ausdruckstanz” (expressionism dance). In 1986 he started practicing Butoh, studying with Tetsuro Tamura, Akaji Maro, Kazuo Ohno and Anzu Furukawa in Tokyo.

In 1987 he founded tatoeba-THÉÂTRE DANSE GROTESQUE with Minako Seki and Yumiko Yoshioka in Berlin.

In 1995 he created "!" an international symposium and dance exchange project. Together with Yumiko Yoshioka he curates and directs this 4-yearly event at the Castle of Bröllin, an art-in-residence centre in Germany.

In 1998 he started exploring interactions with dance. His “Foot Washing Ceremony” presents an interactive public dance-installation for one person (

Since 2000 he mainly collaborates with Felix Ruckert in Berlin and Gregor Weber in Cologne.

Through Felix he got in touch with Contemporary Dance and participated in interactive performances of Felix Ruckert such as “Deluxe Joy Pilot”, “Ring”, “Love Zoo” and “Secret Service”. Often ha has also taught at the xplore.

Since 2004 he is administrative director of Cie. Felix Ruckert Berlin e.V. and since 2008 also of schwelle7.

As part of the Creation Team of the xplore he is responsible for all production affairs, especially website, financial affairs, registration and participant's support.



Foot Washing

Washing feet was a normal part of life in earlier times, because roads were dusty and shoes were expensive. Therefore washing feet was a daily ritual, a sign of respect and esteem for our fellow human beings. It was not only used to clean, but also to heal and to care for the feet, which were sore due to long distance walks. Meanwhile the foot washing ritual has disappeared from daily life. Nowadays, the idea of washing feet often causes amazement or astonishment.


I would like to bring new life to this ritual and answer the following questions:
- Why are feet so sensitive?
- How does the sensation of our feet give an impulse to the rest of the body?
- What should I know, if I want to do a foot washing ceremony?

Please bring a towel, if you can! But come, even if you don't.



Foot Torture


Our feet are both robust and extremely sensitive. The torturers in former times used this knowledge to give convicts draconian punishment with a cane on the sole. This punishment was extraordinarily painful, but it didn´t leave any traces.
Even today, the classic "Bastonade" is often used to bring pain through the sole of the foot to the whole body. Foot torture is, however, much more than the simple use of a cane. Torture starts for everyone at a different point. For some of us, tickling may be much more of a torture than anything else.
This workshop will provide many nasty ideas for different methods of torturing.



Penitence Therapy and Guilt Fetish

This workshop highlights the story of misconduct and the breaking of rules as well as the punishment that follows from it. Punishment has for all of us a painful aspect. We all have experience of it both as children and as adults.

For some of us, punishment is mainly psychological through humiliation or the withdrawal of love; for others it is mainly physical. Each one of us deals with it differently. Many of us reproduce our experiences in different forms throughout our whole lives, especially in our love relations and games.

Now if there is no counterpart demanding penance for our wrongs, many of us compensate by developing means of self-punishment, such as food disorders (bulimia, anorexia) or psycho-somatic diseases. Bringing to consciousness our unconscious mechanisms of self-punishment and symbolic acting-out can have therapeutic effects in helping us deal with traumatic experiences. It may help us to avoid torturing our bodies in unhealthy ways.
In this workshop, we will share our personal experiences of breaking rules and being punished. We will formulate play scenarios to help us to deal with them in painfully pleasurable ways.
